Fraud Protection

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Limit chargeback sand fraudulent transactions with E-Paysolution’s premium online payment security.


At E-Paysolution, it is our goal to provide unrivalled payment security to merchants in the eCommerce industry. Through a series of sophisticated fraud controls,E-Paysolution successfully minimizes fraudulent transactions, whilst greatly lessening the occurrence of chargebacks and unauthorized payments.

In addition to these controls, E-Paysolution’s team of transaction specialists work diligently to manually review all flagged transactions as they occur through our gateway. Through these manual security measures and automated fraud controls, E-Paysolution achieves maximum processing speed and transaction success, without compromising sensitive merchant or cardholder data.

With superior velocity controls, credit card and IP suppression lists, customizable ticket value, manual verification abilities and more, E-Paysolution provides leading fraud protection to its merchants, ensuring the highest number of approved transactions in a secure, real time environment.